With a separate ladies start at 9 o'clock, the Nieuwkoop lakes started with 1900 meters of swimming. Marleen, swimming in one
Zone3 Vanquish, swam very well and was able to participate in the second group.
Due to another small gear at the end, she climbed with the numbers 3 to 7 in the game on the side and due to a good switch she started the third in the bicycle part of over 90km.
During the three rounds she first passed the number 2 and was overtaken again in the final round. She put this straight in the walking part through a well -divided half marathon and the fastest duration of the field.
Sarissa de Vries won the Dutch championship and the stage was complemented by Sandra Wassink-Hitzer.
1 Sarissa de Vries 4:25:22
2 Marleen Honkoop 4:32:02
3 Sandra Wassink 4:39:11